📄️ List all groups
Lists all the groups from all the organizations in a Frontier instance. It can be filtered by organization and state.
📄️ List organization groups
Get all groups that belong to an organization. The results can be filtered by state which can be either be enabled or disabled.
📄️ Create group
Create a new group in an organization which serves as a container for users. The group can be assigned roles and permissions and can be used to manage access to resources. Also a group can also be assigned to other groups.
📄️ Get group
Get group
📄️ Delete group
Delete an organization group permanently and all of its relations
📄️ Update group
Update group
📄️ Disable group
Sets the state of the group as disabled. The group will not be available for access control and the existing users in the group will not be able to access any resources that are assigned to the group. No other users can be added to the group while it is disabled.
📄️ Enable group
Sets the state of the group as enabled. The `enabled` flag is used to determine if the group can be used for access control.
📄️ List group users
Returns a list of users that belong to a group.
📄️ Add group user
Adds a principle(user and service-users) to a group, existing users in the group will be ignored. A group can't have nested groups as members.
📄️ Remove group user
Removes a principle(user and service-users) from a group. If the user is not in the group, the request will succeed but no changes will be made.